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Pin This

10th Jul 2019

A couple of months ago, I ran a new class at the shop -- Making Your Own Mood Board -- that was inspired by the boards I spied in the gorgeous home of Heather Hall. If you haven't heard me gush yet about Heather, either you haven't been paying attention or I am not giving praise where it is due, for hers is the eye and hand behind the photos that are front and center on this website. Her talent for photography alone is enviable, but if you are lucky enough to get to know her, you will see that she has more up her sleeve. Infinitely more. She's an extraordinary writer. Her home is at once impeccably decorated, down to the slight fringe on her linen napkins, and imbued with a depth of wisdom and care that bespeaks a soulful intelligence. Heather's mood boards are a perfect example of both of these dimensions at work, filled as they are with emotionally stirring bits and bobs -- images that make her heart soar, passages that inspire, photographs of her children, treasures hunted down at antique stores and flea markets -- that are also so artfully and stunningly arranged that they hold the eye captive. The eye and the heart, together.  Behold:

You see what I'm saying.
So I asked her to come lead us in making more of these beauties. And it was a day both gorgeous to look at and moving to experience. One student made a board featuring photographs of her sister, whom she lost many years ago. Another made one for her husband, featuring the mother he had recently lost. It's really my favorite zone of life: where deep emotion meets physical beauty. Where we can feel intensely without embarrassment or shame, and where we can express that intensity of emotion into a physical embodiment that makes the heart swell and ache. 

This day was boundlessly better than scrolling Pinterest. Thank you, Heather, for sharing your eye and your heart with us. 

All photography by Heather Hall.